Watch CNN this Sunday at 6:00pm MT

"Each year, over four million kids are playing football and endangering their brains every time they go head to head. A growing body of evidence suggests that kind of constant trauma is particularly dangerous for youth football players, whose brains are still developing. For some kids, that means long-term memory problems, depression and even early death." - Sanjay Gupta

Please remember to TiVO or watch "Big Hits, Broken Dreams" on Sunday, January 29th at 8:00pm EST. CNN will be airing Dr. Sanjay Gupta's latest documentary about the concussion crisis in sports as he follows JH Rose High School's (NC) football team on a quest for another state championship.

Dr. Gupta is very supportive of athletic training and in a story in the Daily Breeze (So. California), he is quoted as saying:

"I think based on what we've learned over the last year, that programs need to have athletic trainers," Gupta says. "The economy is down, money is hard to find, but this is one place where probably the money has to be spent to keep the kids safe."

In a promo yesterday on CNN, Gupta cited stats from the NATA Journal of Athletic Training.  To watch that, click here

Nominate Your Athletic Trainer of the Year

We are accepting nominations for the UATA Athletic Trainer Of The Year Award. We are giving awards in the following three categories.

  • College/University
  • High School
  • Other (Clinic etc)

The nominees must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a member in good standing with the UATA
  2. Minimum of 5 years of service
  3. Made contributions to the Athletic Training profession that has brought distinction to the UATA

Nominations are Due no later than November 21st.  Don't be shy.   If you know a deserving member nominate them.

Send nominations to Nancy Weir at:

Awards will be presented at the December state meeting.

Member Business Meeting; Nominations Begin

Members of the UATA met today at T.O.S.H. to discuss legislative items within the state.  Nominations for the upcoming elections began and will continue through the end of the December Business Meeting.  Certified Utah Members wishing to nominate may do so by contacting Todd Brown,

Qualifications for President, Vice President, and Secretary shall have been Certified members of the NATA for a period of not less than five (5) years immediately prior to their nomination, shall have resided and practiced professionally within the geographic area encompassed by the Association for a period of not less than two (2) years immediately prior to their nomination.

Concussion Bill becomes Law

House Bill 204 "Protection of Athletes with Head Injuries" was signed into law March 21, 2011. 

We encourage each of you to read and become familiar with this law and how it may effect your setting or the organization you work with.  It went though several changes during the legislative process. It requires that every organization that works with youth sports have a concussion plan and specifically requires licensed health care providers (ATC's) managing concussions to complete specific CEU classes on concussion.

124 (A) the qualified health care provider has, within three years before the day on which
125 the written statement is made, successfully completed a continuing education course in the
126 evaluation and management of a concussion; and
127 (B) the child is cleared to resume participation in the sporting event of the amateur
128 sports organization.

If you have any contacts or ideas on how the UATA public relations committee can help promote and provide information about this bill or program, please contact the UATA.